Happy International Translation Day!

Happy International Translation Day!

International translation day is being celebrated each year on the 30th of September. The United Nations chose this day as this is the day when St. Jerome, a priest from North-eastern Italy, also known as the patron saint of the translators, died. The UN organize St....

How much is the translation industry worth in 2021?

The translation industry reached 55 billion in 2020, it will reach a whopping 58.3 billion this year and 73.6 by 2025. You can read the complete report here in Nimzi 100 report. They ranked top 100 language providers in this report and guess what? We collaborated with...
Why is remote interpreting so important nowadays?

Why is remote interpreting so important nowadays?

An article written by ProPublica magazine outlines what happened with a Hungarian-speaking patient in Brooklynhospital in March 2020, just at the beginning of the Covid19 crisis. Furthermore, it investigates the efficacy ofremote interpreting in such delicate...

Artificial intelligence used to read mind

He has been paralysed for years now and has not been able to speak since 2003 since the severe car crash. His nickname is Pancho as his real identity will not be revealed because of his privacy. Thanks to the scientific research where researchers connect electrodes to...